- Rod & Gun Club brochure
Click HERE for a digital version our brochure.
- Activities & Events
Click HERE for the Rod & Gun Club 2024-2025 event calendar.
- Membership
Click here to view and or print the membership application!
Click here to see benefits to having a membership.
$35 annually for the entire family.
- Free dove hunt
- Free youth pheasant & quail hunt
- Free seminars
- European Pheasant Shoot
- Free Kids' Fishing Derbies (twice annually)
- Free door prizes at each meeting
- Chances to win shotguns, rifles, fishing equipment and more
- Monthly steak cookouts and seasonal programs
- Discount rate at R&GC kennels
- Fun shoots
- Turkey shoot
- Bass tournaments, Walleye tournament, and Crappie tournament
- Hunter / Dog commpetition (twice annually)
- Wild game dinners
- Deer stand rentals
- Clubhouse rentals
- Free Kansas-sanctioned Hunter Education Courses
- Monthly newsletters and special emails keeping membership current on post and Kansas hunting/fishing events and regulations
- Access to the Outdoor Women of Leavenworth activities
- 400+ members strong to share outdoor information networking (This alone is worth the membership rate of only $30/year for the entire family.)
- State Certified Hunters' Education Course
The State Certified Hunters' Education Course is required before obtaining a hunting license for those born on or after July 1, 1957 or for those who hunt on the military installation regardless of age.
- Hunting on Post in 2024
Click HERE to view the Hunting on Post in 2024 guide.
Post Hunting Maps
- Hunting FAQs
Where do I get information about hunting on Fort Leavenworth?
Contact the Installation Hunting Coordinator Mr. Mike Johnson (913) 375-8784.
Who is authorized to hunt on Fort Leavenworth?
The following individuals are authorized to hunt on Fort Leavenworth: Military: - Active Duty - National Guard and Reserve - Retired Military. Family members of the above that are DOD ID card holders; DOD civilians who work on Fort Leavenworth. 15 years old and under are not required to attend Installation Hunting Brief.
What are the requirements to hunt on post?
- All hunters 16 and older are required to have a Hunter Education/Safety Card to hunt on post. Anyone under 27 years old must carry a state approved Hunter Education/Safety Card. Hunters 15 years old and under must be accompanied by a hunter 21 years of age while hunting.
- Each hunter is required to attend the Installation Hunting Briefing annually to obtain their Fort Leavenworth Hunter ID card which expires end of July each year. Coordinate for this briefing with the Installation Hunting Coordinator at +1 (308)520-3599.
- All weapons must be registered with PMO BLDG# 194 open Monday through Friday. Hours are: 7:30 to 11 a.m. and noon to 4 p.m. vehicle registrations.
- CAC & FT LVN Form 225 must be carried with the weapon at all times.
- A Kansas hunting license with all tags and stamps for the species that you are hunting is required.
What kind of hunting is permitted on post?
Hunting for deer, turkey, upland birds, small game, and waterfowl are authorized on post. Trapping and fur harvesting is not permitted. Contact the Installation Hunting Coordinator at +1 (308)520-3599 for more information.
What kinds of weapons are allowed for hunting?
All weapons that are legal in the state of Kansas for hunting are legal on-post except for rim-fire rifles and Air guns.
- Hunting Regulations
- Hunting Documents
The following documents are downloadable:
- Weapon Registration Information
Click here for the Visitor Control Center hours of operation.
•All weapons must be registered at the Visitor Control Center, 1 Sherman Ave. Bldg 4001.
- Dog Boarding Kennels
Rod & Gun Club Dog Kennels: Don't forget to make dog (over 35 lbs) boarding reservations before you go on vacation!
Dog boarding is available to military, DOD civilians and retirees. Please call to make reservations or kennel boarding payments.
The Rod and Gun Club operates the only public kennel facility on the installation. The outdoor kennels are maintained full time and are reasonably priced.
View our Procedures to Kennel Your Dog in the Fort Leavenworth Rod & Gun Club Kennels
Discounted rates are available to club members. For more information on the kennels call (913) 775-3694 or for reservations call (913) 684-2580
The Rod and Gun Club is open to active and retired military, DoD civilians and family members. The club sponsors organized seasonal hunting and fishing events and conducts meetings the second Wednesday of each month, with a “cook your own steak” social hour. The Rod and Gun Club sponsors an annual eight-hour hunter safety course in late summer. A hunter safety course is required for a hunting license for those born on or after July 1, 1957.
All hunters must have a valid Kansas hunting license in their possession while hunting, and comply with state and installation regulations. All on-post hunters must attend a hunting briefing and receive an installation hunting pass. On-post hunters may use any weapons legal for hunting in Kansas, except pistols. Black powder and modern rifles may only be used in limited areas for specified hunts. Hunters must attend a hunting briefing before hunting on the Fort Leavenworth reservation.