ERP Interview Skills & Professionalism

Mar 26 2025, 12 pm - 2 pm
Mar 26 2025, 12 pm - 2 pm
The Employment Readiness Program is here to help you in any way they can! Whether it's assisting you in discovering what employment fits your personality, how to translate your hard and soft skills, how to tailor your resume to the job announcement, or how to think like an employer, ERP is here every step of the way! ✏️💰💻
In this class we will teach you how to think like an employer, and how to market yourself in an effective manner both on paper and in interviews. Learn how to market yourself during an interview. Explore the different types of interviews, what to wear, and what questions to ask. Also, learn what they are and are not allowed to ask during an interview, salary negotiations, and how to keep a professional image.
Open to DoD ID card holders.
For more info call, (913) 684-2800
Registration Information
Registration is ONLY required for evening classes.
Employment Readiness Program (ERP)