- Army Emergency Relief (AER) Overview
Army Emergency Relief is the U.S. Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress on the force. AER provides grants and zero-interest loans to Active Duty and Retired Soldiers and their Families. Over 4 million Soldiers supported since 1942. AER officers are conveniently located at installations around the world. Visit ArmyEmergencyRelief.org to learn more.
Education Programs
AER’s Education Program is a secondary mission to help Army Families with the costs of education. The three separate scholarship programs are:
Stateside Spouse Education Assistance Program
• Applicant must be the Spouse or widow(er) of an active duty or retired Soldier and reside in the United States.
• Stateside applicants must be full time students.
• First undergraduate degrees only.
• Active duty military personnel are not eligible.Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children.
Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program
• Applicants must be a Spouse of an active duty Soldier assigned in Europe, Korea, Japan, or Okinawa.
• Applicants must physically reside with the Soldier at the assigned location.
• First undergraduate degrees only.
• Off post students are not eligible.
• Spouses may be part time or full time students.Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependant Children
• Dependent children, stepchildren, or legally adopted children of Army Soldiers on active duty, retired or deceased while in active duty or retired status.The children of Grey Area Reservists/National Guard are eligible as well.
Scholarship awards will be awarded up to half the cost of tuition. Scholarship awards are based on financial need, as evidenced by income, assets, Family size, and special circumstances.
Applications and instructions are available for all the scholarships on the AER website at https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/resources/
- AER Resources and Forms
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Don't miss out on taking advantage of this key benefits within the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act!
For more info check out the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Handout and Securing the Financial Frontline website.
- AER Educational Scholarships
Let AER help you on your educational journey.
View scholarship opportunities HERE!
View Scholarship FAQs HERE!
No-cost for DEERS-registered persons
School-age through Adulthood
- AER COVID-19 Expanded Assistance
View AER COVID-19 Expanded Assistance HERE!
- Pet Transportation Assistance

Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private non-profit organization established to assist Soldiers and their Family members in emergency financial situations due to no fault of their own. Financial assistance is given in the form of an interest-free loan, grant, or combination of the two. Loans are repaid by an allotment.
To apply for AER assistance, the Soldier should visit the AER Officer at Army Community Service for a consultation. After determining that the Soldier has a valid emergency, then we can proceed with authorized AER assistance.If the need for emergency financial assistance arises outside these operating hours, the American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Service Center can be contacted toll free at (877) 272-7337. This Center is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.